Side by Side
October 8, 2005
VB and Java - Performing File-System Operations
Performing file-system operations work similar in Java across platforms but differ in VB for Windows. Compare yourself side-by-side.
October 8, 2005
VB and Java - Exception Handling
Exception handling is a necessary element of coding. Compare the process and methods of exception handling in VB and Java in this article.
October 8, 2005
VB and Java - Networking
Want to learn networking programming techniques? This article describes the differences and approaches of network programming in Java and VB.
October 8, 2005
VB and Java - Database Access
Database Access is a very important aspect of programming. Learn how to do write database code in Java and VB side-by-side.
October 8, 2005
VB.NET – Object Serialization
Object serialization is useful for transfer of data across heterogeneous protocols. Learn its implementation in VB and Java in this article.
October 8, 2005
VB and Java – Basic Syntax
The first step in learning any coding language is to learn its basic syntax rules. This article compares the basic syntax of VB and Java.